Private School Facts & Information

Barna Goals of Education

Private Christian schools offer distinct advantages over traditional public and non-religious private schools. However, according to the Barna Group Inc. research in an article titled "What Parents Look for in Christian Schools," choosing such schools can be challenging and highly personal for parents.

Faith-based education has often faced the stigma of being disconnected from social norms, academically inadequate, or financially unattainable. These misconceptions arise from inaccurate information or negative past experiences, further complicating the decision-making process when selecting the appropriate private school.

Barna emphasizes that parents' school selection is likely influenced by the educational objectives they prioritize for their children. Yet, determining these priorities and considering the role of faith in such significant decisions remains crucial.

The Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) affirms, "The choice you make for your children's education shapes them academically, spiritually, and in their worldview and skills." Christian schools prioritize the holistic development of children, addressing various aspects of their lives while integrating God into academics. Countryside Christian Academy (CCA) takes this responsibility seriously and collaborates with parents throughout the academic journey.

While the reasons for choosing a Christian private school may differ among families when Barna surveyed both current and prospective ACSI students' families about the school's goals or purpose, the most commonly selected objective was "To instill strong principles and values" (Current: 69%, Prospective: 53%). CCA believes there is no greater responsibility than instilling the right principles and values in children, ensuring they stay on the right path as they grow older.

Barna's findings on parents' school preferences align with other data and research. Parents generally seek schools that align with their educational ideals, but their priorities reveal what they truly value in education. Safety is the foremost concern for parents, followed by quality teachers, academic excellence, and character development.

Regarding safety, which Barna identifies as parents' primary concern, CCA prioritizes student and campus safety. The school administration and faculty collaborate closely with local law enforcement agencies to establish comprehensive standards and procedures, continuously reviewed for enhancement. Additionally, CCA proudly offers a "Police Friendly" campus, providing law enforcement personnel a place to park, rest, and train outside school hours.

At Countryside Christian Academy, we consider it a privilege to partner with parents in nurturing their children's intellectual and spiritual growth. We sincerely hope you will consider Countryside Christian Academy in Clearwater, Florida, when choosing the ideal private school for your family.